Welcome to our area of Education. Education is very important in the Garnet Ghost Town, as gold miners flocked up to the Garnet Mountains to strike their claim, ended up creating a town, brought their families up to live, built a school, educated their children and now we can share that with you.
Education Opportunities
School Tours
School Tours are weather dependent and are usually available late May through the middle of September. There is no fee for school tours. There are 2 tours available – one of the town and one of the Sierra Mine area. For the tour of town, BLM Park Rangers or Volunteers will take you around the town sharing the history. Tours generally last an hour. The Sierra Mine tour is about a mile walk through an area of the forest where the miners prospected for gold. Contact the BLM at blm_mt_Missoula_FO@blm.gov to schedule a tour.
Grant money is available from the Garnet Preservation Association to assist with transportation costs. Please call BLM for details at (406) 329-3914 or complete the application as directed.
Scavenger Hunt
Search for various items through town– for kids of any age. Remember to leave artifacts where they are. Contact the Visitors Center for the scavenger hunt.
Nature Hike
Take the moderately difficult, 3/4 mile walk to Warren’s Park. Eat lunch or rest at the Park Mr. Warren built and then return to Garnet.
Garnet Curriculum
“Investigating Garnet: A Historic Mining Town”:
In partnership with the BLM, Project Archaeology has developed XX lessons for teachers to use in their classrooms and then at Garnet. Geared for grades 3 – 5. The GPA sells these books in the Visitors Center during the season.
For more information about history, archaeology and other natural and cultural resources: